Stimulate collective intelligence
Essential for team spirit and the smooth functioning of organisations that want to anticipate change, collective intelligence is cultivated on a daily basis. It manifests only through interaction and contact with others.
“He who works alone adds, he who works with others multiplies.” This statement is not new, yet it has never been more relevant.
In a world where individual performance is tending to become the rule, it is nevertheless the collective that determines the continued success of companies.
- Why stimulate collective intelligence within a team and what are the benefits?
- What are the criteria for valorising this often unidentified additional value?
- How can we make collective intelligence a best practice?
To answer these questions, we have developed an intuitive and interactive approach. A method aimed at instilling the right state of mind for the attitudes that are being promoted.
Targeted outcomes
- To be capable of stimulating and increasing the collective intelligence within one’s team.
At the end of your training on collective intelligence, the participants will have:
- Become aware of the benefits and limitations of CI.
- Identified the conditions and values necessary for the development of CI.
- Experienced the emergence of CI.
- Co-creation of the training content in collective intelligence.
- Case studies to test CI “in real life”.
- Concrete solutions that can be applied directly.
This training in Collective Intelligence is intended for a team, a company, an organisation or an association of up to 12 participants. It is supervised by a certified Teamway trainer.